

Berry bowlBerry bowl

Berry bowl

890,000 VND

890,000 VND

Cake standCake stand

Cake stand

840,000 VND

840,000 VND

Chopsticks holderChopsticks holder

Chopsticks holder

60,000 VND

60,000 VND

Coffee filterCoffee filter

Coffee filter

380,000 VND

380,000 VND

Lava MSLava MS

Lava MS

620,000 VND

620,000 VND

Lava SLava S

Lava S

480,000 VND

480,000 VND

Long tray MLong tray M

Long tray M

680,000 VND

680,000 VND

Long tray MSLong tray MS

Long tray MS

380,000 VND

380,000 VND

Long tray SLong tray S

Long tray S

280,000 VND

280,000 VND

Milk creamerMilk creamer

Milk creamer

140,000 VND

140,000 VND

Pepper shaker

Pepper shaker

150,000 VND

150,000 VND

Ricebowl with lid LRicebowl with lid L

Ricebowl with lid L

650,000 VND

650,000 VND

Ricebowl with Lid L - CRRicebowl with Lid L - CR

Ricebowl with Lid L - CR

650,000 VND

650,000 VND

Ricebowl with lid MRicebowl with lid M

Ricebowl with lid M

460,000 VND

460,000 VND

Ricebowl with Lid M - CRRicebowl with Lid M - CR

Ricebowl with Lid M - CR

460,000 VND

460,000 VND

Sake bottleSake bottle

Sake bottle

220,000 VND

220,000 VND

Salt shaker

Salt shaker

150,000 VND

150,000 VND

Serving boardServing board

Serving board

220,000 VND

220,000 VND

Spoon holderSpoon holder

Spoon holder

90,000 VND

90,000 VND

Spoon MSpoon M

Spoon M

70,000 VND

70,000 VND

Spoon SSpoon S

Spoon S

50,000 VND

50,000 VND

Stone MStone M

Stone M

190,000 VND

190,000 VND

Stone MSStone MS

Stone MS

190,000 VND

190,000 VND

Stone SStone S

Stone S

160,000 VND

160,000 VND

Teapot MTeapot M

Teapot M

600,000 VND

600,000 VND

Teapot STeapot S

Teapot S

420,000 VND

420,000 VND

Water pitcherWater pitcher

Water pitcher

480,000 VND

480,000 VND